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How To Not Feel Threatened By AI Platforms As a Creative Professional

AI tools and platforms are a massive disruptor in our professional, creative and personal lives. For instance, AI art platforms like Midjourney and DALL-E 2 have garnered raving fans and bitter enemies. Many writers feel threatened by AI tools like ChatGPT, that can quickly and accurately produce content, while photographers, filmmakers and other creatives feel similarly threatened by AI tools that can quickly generate visuals and videos. Freelancers run into issues with some clients, who try to DIY their previously outsourced (to a human being) tasks, and cancel freelance gigs. However understandable their annoyance may be - is it valid? Is AI a threat to creatives? Or is there more to the story? Can AI actually prompt (yes) an invitation to being more distinctive, and flipping the script altogether?

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Hoe je hersentraining en beweging inzet voor je prestaties

Dagelijkse gezonde gewoonten zijn van vitaal belang voor je self-care. Het komt ook uw prestaties op andere gebieden ten goede. Naast de algemeen bekende voordelen van lichaamsbeweging die je energie verhoogt, terwijl de hersenen gelukkige chemicaliën zoals endorfines afgeven die een positief gevoel opwekken, is er ook een andere manier waarop je prestaties en lichaamsbeweging met elkaar verweven zijn - en je kunt dit in je voordeel gebruiken, als je eerder hebt worstelde om iets te bereiken dat je bij meerdere gelegenheden hebt geprobeerd, zonder resultaat. Ik heb het over een handige combinatie van doel, gewoontes en geïnspireerde actie.

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How to boost your performance by exercising, and training your brain

Integrating the habit of exercising daily is vital for self-care. It benefits your performance in other areas also. Besides the widely known advantages of exercise boosting your energy, while the brain releasing happy chemicals like endorphins that trigger a positive feeling, there is also another way your performance and exercise intertwine - and you can use this to your benefit, if you’ve previously struggled to accomplish something you’ve been trying on multiple occasions, to no avail. I’m talking about a nifty combination of purpose, habits and inspired action.

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Getting ready for performance after summer recess

Have you achieved what you were aiming for during the first half of 2021? Whether you have or you haven’t, Summertime is a good moment to assess where you’re at right now, and how you’d like to proceed in the upcoming months after Summer recess. I like choosing a different moment than the New Year to set my goals and planned actions anyway. Because if something didn't work out, it can be challenging to think that you didn’t perform well ‘just that one day’ instead of considering your off-day as being one big failed whole year, right off the bat. Let’s dive in a bit deeper.

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